UK Commercial Property ‘Likely to be Stable in 2012’

The UK’s commercial real estate market has reached a kind of plateau, with little change expected in capital values or yields over the coming months, it has been claimed. Partner in the commercial research team at Knight Frank Darren Yates explained there is unlikely to be much further yield compression among commercial assets in 2012, … Read more

Britain’s Building Bailout Balls Up

As the world embarks upon what is no doubt set to be a turbulent financial year, the latest pomp and spin from the UK government is its poorly titled “Get Britain Building Fund”. The fund, announced and reiterated by top property government bod Grant Shapps, is set to stimulate the property market by getting all … Read more

Germany’s Property Market – Riding Out the Economic Storm

The economic difficulties experienced by eurozone nations during 2011 have been well documented, with countries such as Spain, Portugal and Ireland seeing their property markets take a significant hit. Germany is often considered to be one of the most stable nations in Europe, so how has the ongoing debt crisis affected its real estate sector? … Read more