5 Real Estate Marketing Tips That Work

Marketing Strategies for Real Estate InvestorsMarketing your real estate business can cost a lot of money. Obtaining new prospects can be difficult but hanging on to them can be even harder and more expensive.

But, there are some methods you can use to up your odds and increase your reach. No matter what methods you choose, it’s important to know why you do what you do, and how to express that to your prospects. Why should they buy now, with you and your company? How are you different?

1. Keep in Touch — Make it part of your daily plan to call a specific number of past clients as well as new prospects. If you’re not connecting daily with at least one person from the past and one person who is new, you’re making a big mistake.

2. Ask for Referrals – Ask every prospect, even those who have turned you down today to refer you to their friends, family and connections. If a prospect became a client, always ask them to rate you on the various real estate sites that you are a member.

3. Congratulate Them — If you see a news story about a prospect, connection or current client, cut it out and send it to them with a note of congratulations. Don’t forget to sign it and include your business card.

4. Use Video – Every property you have should be digitally captured and put on YouTube.com as another avenue of marketing. Don’t forget to include yourself, your face and voice in the videos. People like doing business with people they feel that they know, like and trust and creative videos can make people feel closer to you.

5. Use Social Media – Don’t just sign up for social media accounts willy-nilly. It’s important to sign up for social media that you know you’ll use and make it worthwhile for others to friend you, follow you or connect with you by sharing more than just properties but tips, blog updates, videos and more.

If you incorporate these five marketing tips into your real estate business, you’ll make a big impression on everyone who comes into contact with you. Plus none of these ideas cost anything but time and effort.

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