Apple REITs & David Lerner • Re: Good luck getting back your principal

the1boss wrote:
Your buddies in banking??? Who are you bro?? Your on a blog, no credentials, nothing!! No credibility, nothing!
For all we know your a mall cop with an obsession for nonsense, see, the bullshit is now over.
Moving forward we will refer to the truth, aka, reality, aka, not the bullshit you spin on here to frighten people any longer!
You see, you can say whatever you want, spin it any way you please, today was the first of many better days for good people doing good things, for a long time.
And at the end of the day, your a nameless, faceless, nobody and nothing you say matters. He’ll, you pretty much don’t even exist if you really think about it

Uh, look here, old schlepper: you’re the last person in the world to be handing out any lectures to others about "spin," "the facts," "bullshit," because dealing that out was your chosen career path, and you wouldn’t know the truth if it pissed on your leg. That’s what got you in hot water in the first place, but again, the sickness here- and that is exactly what it is, a sickness– is that you idiots never give up the facade of the "solid middle ground of investing," which it never was. You really think your God’s gift to the retail investor with that collection of script reading limo drivers and shoe salesmen, peddling your limited and inferior range of products. You’re a worthless piece of garbage and a blight on society. A parasite.

And as far as who WE are, who are YOU? You’re just as nameless and faceless as we are, and all we know is you’re a shill for DLA. We dont even know if you clean the toilets there, or your if job is to alter documents. Personally, I think you must spend quite a bit of time on your knees.

With companies shelving their IPOs thanks to market conditions, Lord knows what you’ll run into, but lets see if you actually pull this off. But the REAL market- you know, the same one you told us for over 20 years was a reckless "gamble"- will be cruel and unsentimental. Its gonna value this massive, far flung empire of white elephants of yours at their real value, not the phony price you put in your statements even after 14% of carveouts and fees. If you get 7 bones for this thing, I would call that an accomplishment.

I gotta hand it to ya, though- this is the best chance your miserable clients will ever get to liquidity, and its probably better than selling them to MacKenzie.

Just make sure when the day comes when your IPO goes live that you have enough extra staff on hand to process all those ACATS, because baby, you ain’t gonna have a client base left.

Maybe Glade can front you the money to fund your operations until the tide washes out. You’re history.

Statistics: Posted by GeorgiaGulf — Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:26 pm

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