What’s Your Mission Question?

To truly set your site (and/or business) apart, then ask these questions to build your value proposition – thus increasing your ability to convert visitors.

These are questions that zero in on the mission and higher purpose of a company. Think of them as “mission questions.”Most companies, of course, articulate their missions by way of formal “statements.” But often they’re banal pronouncements (We save people money so they can live better. –WalMart) or debatable assertions (Yahoo! is the premier digital media company) that don’t offer much help in trying to gauge whether a company is actually living up to a larger goal or purpose.

The following five “mission questions” are designed to keep a business focused on what matters most.

1. Why are we here in the first place?

2. What does the world need most that we are uniquely able to provide?

3. What are we willing to sacrifice?

4. What matters more than money?

5. Are we all on this mission together?

Read more from the source: Co.Design

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