3 Ways to Reduce Stress at Work

3 ways to reduce stress at workWith April to September being the busiest months for construction, renovations, tenant moves and real estate transactions, it’s no surprise that most real estate investment professionals find summers to be their busiest season. Especially in your early career, longer days seem to lead to more work rather than increased downtime.

While there are a gazillion things you can do to manage your time more effectively and delegate to reduce your workload so that you can enjoy summer, the reality is when you’re in the thick of a busy season, there is no time to plan. The only practical thing to do is put “planning for a better balanced summer next year” on your agenda for your next down period and focus on stress busting techniques to get you through your summer storms.


Don’t discount this tip just because it’s so simple. The simplicity is what makes it the ultimate in “do anywhere” stress reduction strategies. It doesn’t even have to be summer to make this one technique work for you.

One of the easiest ways instantly relax and lower your cortisol levels is to take a deep breath. It’s not a magic pill for chronic stress, but it will bring you back into the moment to deal with your immediate challenge.

Sneak In Foot Massages

While a full on massage will give you maximum mileage for stress reduction, studies have shown that a fractional effort can deliver close to the same benefits. So for those uncomfortable with the full body massage concept and those too time-challenged to indulge, a foot massage is an unbeatable alternative. Giving yourself a foot massage is practical in the office and on the run; you don’t need a lot of time or space to fit it in to a busy schedule.

Walk When You Can

While some areas of the country may find it way too hot to comfortably walk outdoors in the summer months, the rest of you will find a legion of benefits to fitting walking into your daily routine.

Walking, like all exercise, reduces stress by increasing your endorphin levels to boost your mood, allowing you to reduce tension and achieve calm. You’ll also find that the activity, rather than diminishing your energy; elevates your performance and stamina. Improved sleep is a further side effect of adding exercise to your days, which further decreases stress and increases productivity.

While the increased stress of summer is a reality that too many real estate investment professionals find impossible to avoid, stress reduction strategies can make a significant difference in your outlook and performance. Consider adding these three simple tips into your daily routine to combat the challenges of summer stress.

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